Thursday, December 11, 2008

So there's a combo of pics! We got matching pj pants from Santa (Tim & Me but the others didn't know that at first till the next day! Haha!) So we put them on and took roomie pictures! We were crazy about them! You can see that our REAL christmas tree is in the back. We decorated it ourselves! I was stoked to decorate our apartment for Christmas! We have a wreath, garland, a tree, and lights up. It looks amazing.

Also we did a secret santa gift exchange! It was a blast! And I got another airsoft gun and target to shoot! I was so excited when I opened it!

It has been so cold lately and it snowed on Monday night but only a little! The peaks look so pretty with the snow on top! And I am now done with finals, so the fun can begin!!

1 comment:

curtis and jacque dana said...

ASHLEY!!! Look at you gorgeous(: Oh, you look like you are having so much fun! I LOVE IT! hope you don't mind that I just tried to find your blog and it worked out! Sure miss you...Merry Christmas! Love you