Here we go in no real order!
- Read my scriptures each day
- Be early to meetings, classes, and etc. I am going to try to be at least 10 minutes early to everything!
- Do at least two acts of service each day
- Be more grateful
- Be kind and a friend to everyone!
- Remember each day that I am a daughter of God
- Be a member missionary! To share the joy the gospel brings into my life with others!
So yeah those are the things that i want to work on throughout the year! Nothing fancy but things that I think will make me a better person!
I like the member missionary resolution! Thats mine this year. Its scary, but why be scared to share something that can only bring happiness into our lives?
ASHLEY! You are amazing and have always been such an exapmle to me. AHH, I'm so lucky that even though we are so far away to still learn from you. I hope this semester has gotten off to a great start. I sure miss ya. thanks for always being someone I can look up to. Love you, by the way what a cute blog(:
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